Boss Bitch

First, let’s define “Boss Bitch”. A Boss Bitch is a fierce badass who takes radical responsibility and total ownership of her life. She knows that if her vibe is low and things aren’t going the way she’d like, she’s the only one that can unfuck herself. She knows that her vibration is her responsibility and that no matter what is going on in her world, it starts there. She’s responsible for the energy she brings into a space.


Nature Photography

Boss Bitches allow themselves to feel what they need to feel, but they do it with awareness and they put a timer on that shit. When their inner timer goes ding, even if it’s before they feel ready they get hit their go-to list of things sure to change their state. This is their “Shake it Up, Shake it Off list” and today is the day you will make your own. Write out a list of 27 things (a fortuitous number in Feng


General View

A Boss Bitch leads even when her crown and heart feel heavy. She listens to the whispers of the Universe (or the SHOUTS to which she’ll probably shout back, “Fine!”). She’s not afraid to ask for help when she needs it, but she’s resourceful as fuck. She’s always looking for magical ways to get back into the vortex when she’s feeling off, which is how I know you’re a Boss Bitch (I see you, Gorgeous).


how do Boss Bitches get their Fiercedom back?

Take Inventory. With pen and paper (or laptop), do a Brain Dump of everything swimming around in that pretty little head. Konmari the fuck out of your thoughts and feelings. Lay them all out so that you can REALLY see what you’re dealing with. From there you can decide what sparks joy and what you’re ready to let go of with gratitude.